Pentaho 3.8 Linux PostgreSQL. A Guilde to getting start with postgresql-8.4 on Mac
After i configure many Pentaho BI on many machines. I have to do it again today for teach my student how to install and getting start on postgresql.
(1) and (2) are good articles to starting.
(3) and (4) are more articles to set after you see error about system listener.
I assume you have installed java and postgresql on your system. And have privilege to create new database.
Please follow (1) and (2) if you have not complete with Java and Postgresql
Deploying Platform
For me it is a good way to get everything pack into one source. So i download pentaho-source from here 3.8.0-stable.
I want to setting my BI in my home directory so i extracted source to my home directory and change name to bi-3.8
The following directories show have contents like these.
|-- administration-console
|-- bi-server-ce
PostgreSQL Java Connector
You have to download postgresql java connector from here . Then put java connector to library path like these.
Configuring PostgreSQL Database
If you follow (2) you must edit script to run on postgresql. You can ask me for postgresql backup archive.!
to create databases run this command
wattana@localhost:/home/wattana $ su
wattana@localhost:/home/wattana $ su - postgres
postgres@localhost:/var/lib/postgersql $ createuser -d -s -P wattana # create super user for database
# then create databases
wattana@localhost:/home/wattana $ createdb -U wattana shark
wattana@localhost:/home/wattana $ createdb -U wattana quartz
wattana@localhost:/home/wattana $ createdb -U wattana hibernate
wattana@localhost:/home/wattana $ createdb -U wattana sample data
After you created database you must open script files from (1) and edit them correctly for postgresql
Here you can now follow (2). It's perfect!
After that if you start pentaho by
wattana@localhost:/home/wattana/bi-3.8/biserver-ce# ./
When trying to access the Pentaho BI platform (http://localhost:8080), if you have this error
Error while trying to execute startup sequence for org.pentaho.platform.scheduler.QuartzSystemListener
Then you’ll find a file pentaho.xml in biserver-ce/tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost/
Replace the contents (or modify the settings) with the same from biserver-ce/tomcat/webapps/pentaho/META-INF/context.xml
Hope it helps someone.
You can follow (4) to solve this.